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Wednesday, September 20, 2006


下元八運 is a time reference in feng shui.

Each 運 = 20 yrs. Now we are at 8運 (2004 -2023)

三元: Divided into 上元,中元,下元.
九運: 上元一二三運,中元四五六運,下元七八九運.  
Thus its known as 三元九運,Total cycle 180 years

I attended a seminar in end 2003. The master said that due to the change of the time, there will be political unstable round the world. In that year (2004), we also saw a lot of elections, change of govt and prime ministers.

Its said that 2004 is a year for change of govt. Y?
The time line changed causing 'tribulance' in the world + 2004 is a monkey yr. Monkeys r known for '老虎不在,猴子成王' thus politics will change

(that's also y, monkeys and tigers cant get married. hahaa)

If i not wrong, taiwan, US, UK had elections. (juz to name a few)
Tat's e year Mr ah bian retained his chair. In 2004, Mr Lee HL also too sits from Mr Goh

Actually i tot Ma Ying Jiu could took over but sadly...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the master said about this year and 2007..

12:58 am  
Blogger Kongming said...

did not attend due as i was having lesson in coi tat day.

8:59 am  

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