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Sunday, April 09, 2006

Lame Joke of the month

Today we got full show rehearsal. Siong! I finally watch the show with little NG. We got 2 runs.
Still suck thumb at not able to join the 'fun'.
Learnt something special... How to roll a boat... Teacher tongbang teach us tat as Miko's mom still not sure.
I came out with a crap joke today during break (after the first run).
I told Ah Tian: That we are having a breakfast. She was puzzled... Xin en, our 11 yr old girl girl also gave me a ?? face.
Then i said: This is a fast break, so its call BreakFast. Then we had a little laugh. Lame... I know...

I had to apologise to u all for something... I am a very poor person... No money to buy camera. So pls Duo Duo Bao Han... I trying to save $ for my tw trip first and maybe a cruise. My expenses in July is normally quite high due to my insurance. I opt to pay by yearly basis. I know many of u paid by monthly basis. But its cheaper to pay yearly.
Once i had made sufficient provision, i will buy a camera so that u all will not be bored.

I forgot to say something for my DnD.
We are required to sing sch song... Then i noted that there is a word 'revised' on the music credit. I was wondering wat they changed.
Surprisingly, i still can remember the first paragraph of the song although i dont sing or hear the song for 10 yrs...

Then after the song, we, the old birds, complaint... The new music sucks...


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