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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

further studies

i looking at the certs which all my cousins had.

on my father's side, only 2 relatives (my bro n my 姑姑's son) holding dip. there are no degrees. The daughters all dont know how to study one...
i remembered that i almost vomit blood when i taught my 堂妹 maths.
She could add 10 apples with 12 pears but not 10 pears and 12 apples.

pressure is on me as i am the only above 21 who is still studying. i had promised my late grandfather that i will go University. although i cant make it there, but i still wanted to keep my promise.

my uncles say things like 'u study so much, how come earn so little', 'how come u study so many yrs liao still not finish'

my mom's side are all talents...
2 scholar, 1 Bach Mechanical Eng, 2 currently studying Bach Business, 1 Sec Sch teacher. Only my family got no degree. Sad right...

So pressure is still on me. I need to work very hard to get my cert. Life is so poor thing.
I just want to have a relaxed life also can not...

it is not the matter of challenging who is better but at least to save some face lor.


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