Ladies and Gentlemen...
Presenting... The World's First Guy who sit down to iron clothes and watch opera.
The aunties helping out with the preparation of food...
hm... tot there is a no-chilly fish reserve for me... dont know where it goes...
So... wat had i been doing... er... will let u know once i recall any...
Richard was talking abt his fruit juice maker the whole night! He kept telling us that its his brother's and its an import, etc... I counted that he had repeating that few sentences for N times...
Joke of the month... Ms Tan thought it is an automatic mixer... Her defination of auto is... no need to switch on the switch, the mixer can auto mix!
We were having singing session and some friendly games in the room. and our little guy here can still sleep in such noisy room...
Richard had started the fire at abt 6pm so that we can call it a day early.
Dinner time!!! Where my share!